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Two novel LRR-only proteins in Chlamys farreri: similar in structure, yet different in expression profile and pattern recognition.

Dev Comp Immunol.. 2016-06; 
Wang M,Wang L,Xin L,Wang X,Wang L,Xu J,Jia Z,Yue F,Wang H,Song L.
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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis ... The resultant protein was separated by ExpressPlus PAGE Gel (12%, M01212, Genscript, USA), stained by an eStain 2.0 Protein Staining System (Genscript, USA) with eStain Protein Staining Pads (R-250, L02011, Genscript, USA) and then visualized via Gel Doc EZ imager ... Get A Quote


Leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-only proteins could mediate protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions and be involved in the immune response. In the present study, two novel LRR-only proteins, CfLRRop-2 and CfLRRop-3, were identified and characterized from scallop Chlamys farreri. They both contained nine LRR motifs with the consensus signature sequence LxxLxLxxNxL and formed typical horseshoe structure. The CfLRRop-2 and CfLRRop-3 mRNA transcripts were constitutively expressed in haemocytes, muscle, mantle, gill, haepatopancreas and gonad, with the highest expression level in haepatopancreas and gill, respectively. During the ontogenesis of scallop, the mRNA transcripts of CfLRRop-2 were kept at a high level i... More


Chlamys farreri; Innate immunity; LRR-only protein; Leucine-rich repeat; Recognition pattern